Sunday, May 17, 2015

'Bumble Bee Brother'

"Hello, bumble bee brother" ~ Dalia

Friday, April 17, 2015

Catching Up!

Dear Jeddo and Nana --

Sorry it's been a while, but this happened:

It's a good thing you've moved closer so we can all hang out! 

A lot has been happening! A lot of growing. A lot of changing... I used to sit on the nunu and just listen to mama read a book. But yesterday, I did a full peepee in the nunu for the first time! Mama danced and baba gave me a cookie. 

We all have pee pee on the brain! 

Love, Dalia

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Maine/Berkshires 2014

Dear Jeddo and Nana --

Vacation is fun. The best part is sleeping late, eating a lot of ice cream, meeting new friends everywhere we go, and hanging out with my baba all the time.

Mama says we finally won Bingo. We never win Bingo!

Love, Dalia 

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Team Blue!

Dear Jeddo and Nana --

Thank so much for coming. Soon you will be here to stay and we can hang out whenever we want. Although mama says I have to share you with my brother. Team Blue!

Love, Dalia 

Monday, July 28, 2014

Happy Eid - Play Time!

Dear Jeddo and Nana,

Baba was determined to finish my play room last night -- and he did, just in time for Eid. How exciting!

These shelves are a good spot for toys, and an even better spot to hide!

Maybe I might get surprised with some new Eid gifts on the shelf when I come home from school today... 

Love, Dalia 

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Fruits and Veggies Please!

Dear Jeddo and Nana --

I like eating cookies and ice cream, but I LOVE eating fruits and veggies. Mama says I am a good girl and a healthy eater.

Love, Dalia

Wednesday, June 25, 2014


Dear Jeddo and Nana --

Today I had a fun day with my cousins. It was really hot outside so we decided to cool off!

I have a feeling it's going to be a fun summer. 

